Madic Mowing: Making A Difference In Cutting

Call: 01926 842543 / 07748 646067


Here are the frequently asked questions about our lawn mowing service. 

We hope that we have managed  to answer your questions, however if there is anything else you would like to know then please contact us and we will be happy to help.

What months of the year do you start and stop mowing lawns?

We usually start mowing lawns during March and finish mid to end October. This is an average that can vary by a couple of weeks depending on the weather and growth rates.

How often do you cut lawns?

During the growing season we offer a regular weekly or fortnightly service depending on the customer's choice or the growth rate of the lawn. We will provide advice to all our customers. We also offer one off services. 

Do you mow lawns in all weather conditions?

Yes we do. We have specialist lawn mowers and blades that enable us to cut and ensure wet grass collection. However, in wet conditions it may take us longer to cut your lawn to ensure the quality finish. In particularly wet conditions, where the lawn would turn to mud under the roller, we do postpone and rearrange the cut for drier periods. 

Is your business insured?

Yes, Madic Mowing is fully insured for public liability. 

Will the same team cut my lawn or will it vary every time?

We guarantee that your lawn will be cut by Martin and/or James. As a family business this is part of the personal service that we provide the customer. 
